1. Bottom Cover
2. Top Cover
3. Wire holes
4. Screw holes x3
5. Dip Switch
6. 6-pin line
7. Deepth adjustment of inner 2 lines
8. Deepth adjustment of outer 2 lines
9. Led Indicator
10. Wdth adjustment of inner 2lines
11. Wdth adjustment of outer 2 lines
■ This product is with the function of coding self-learn.Make sure the code of remote transmitter has been learned into the receiver before using (16 kinds of codes can be learned)
■ Operation way: Press the learned button for 1 S.indicator turns green.Press any key of the remote transmitter. The transmitter has been learned by the receiver successfully with two flashes of green light appears.
■ Oelete method: Press the learn button for 5S.green light flashing, all the codes has been deleted successfully Can not delete one by one)
■ Press the remote control A key(Full lock): All probe and access controller are lose effectiveness, electric lock locked automatically. People inside and outside can not enter in.Be used for preventing thieves at niqhl or on holidays periods.
■ Press the remote control 8 key(Unidirectional): External probe is lose effectiveness and eleckic lock locked automatically while external access controller and internal probe are available.Only insider can get in by swiping card. Internal probe is effective.people can get oul.Be used for clearing ud a gathering place
■ Press the remote coni C key(Full open): All probe and access controller are lose effectiveness. Door keeps fully open. For emergency using.
■ Press the remote control D key(Bi-directional): Internal and external probes are effective. Working hours with normal business.